The story so far

After leaving school, I secured an apprenticeship as a builder and began to learn the trade fundamentals.

I felt something was missing in my early twenties, and I longed for adventure, so I joined the army to see the world. My military career lasted 24 years, but I knew I wanted to eventually return to the building trade and put down roots with my family in Monmouth. With this in mind and massive skill fade, I spent the last four years of my military service gaining all the knowledge of airless/air-assisted spray systems.

Airless spraying was significant in Europe before making its way to the UK. I trained in Germany with one of Europe's leading spray manufacturers to gain experience in spray painting and plastering.

When I returned to the UK, I qualified with City & Guilds in fine finishing.

The plan was to start my own company here in Monmouth, utilising the skills and values gained in the army as a foundation of the business (honesty, trust) and the skills learned whilst mastering the art as the core structure, quality and service.

90% of our work comes from recommendations, which means a lot to us, and we maintain that by providing outstanding service to our valued customers. Our service continues beyond the end of the job.

Matt@Shore Coatings